
Pandora accounting understands your needs


Accounting is not the same in each area.

The nautical area has different singularities reflecting in accounting. So your accounting program have to be prepared specifically for the nautical.

All accounting processes are fully integrated with Pandora, simplifying and saving time.

The financial and accounting information are acquired easily and reliably.

One of the best tools of our accounting is budget management.

Learn corrections, implementation, deviations, … and all the variables that influence their budgets immediately and easily.

The administrations of clubs, marinas and shipyards had to innovate in order to collect the debts. The contributions of our customers, allow us to integrate the management of these processes fully customized to the characteristics of the nautical sector.

The control of taxes on purchases and sales was resolved only and effectively in our accounting.

The tax notes (VAT) will be automatically created and their purchasing records and sales will be processed independently for automatic input notes.

Fully integrated with document management in Pandora. Through our accounting can view all documents; invoices, receipts and each record extracts.

For a great workhorse that is the administration of fixed assets accounting Pandora is your best ally.

The indispensable to manage their management through Pandora.

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