What for?

You can take Pandora everywhere its port or yard and do their jobs from anywhere.



There are many processes in the daily management that does not necessarily have to be done in the office.

  • Make a check-in from the deck of a boat.
  • Knowing what dock should be directed a boat that enters the port.
  • Check the moviments of your harbor
  • Roll call
  • Validate the work carried out on site.

Now with Pandora Tablet module, you can do all these processes and many more from a tablet anywhere and its facilities.


All processes are performed with the tablet of Pandora performed in the same way as it is performed in the office. Thus preventing the tasks are duplicate.

An example; When you make a in a docking check, can take a picture of the boat’s documentation, the captain even to charge.

Cost savings

There are several procesos that require work at the marina. You can power insertar information on Pandora to see them later and thus avoid duplication of work.
When playing their counters through the tablet all information will already be registered automatically.
If you use Pandora Tablet when you check your water or electricity counters, the data will be in Pandora inmediately.


What do you think will be the reaction of your users when the port personal goes to the ship to make the chekin?
Do you think that the image of your management improves if your staff makes a request of a user from the mooring for a job stranded?
Would you like to have all the information from the port, club or dock when you are at a fair or in a meeting?

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